Panagra Airlines Assistant Forman Badge

Lima, Peru 1928-1967

The airline, for the first year, was called Pan American Grace Airways Inc.(P.A.G.A.I,). Then it changed to Pan American-Grace Airways, better known as Panagra, which formed as a joint venture between Pan American World Airways and Grace Shipping Company. Panagra operated flights from the United States to South America, connecting as far south as Buenos Aires and Santiago, Chile. The airline was founded to compete with SCADTA, a German-owned company, which held a quasi-monopoly over air travel in many parts of Colombia and South America during the 1940s and 1950s. Panagra merged with Braniff International Airways on January 31, 1967. Braniff operated the Panagra routes to South America until 1982, when Eastern Air Lines purchased its South American operations. Beginning in 1990, these routes were operated by American Airlines. Grace Shipping was a subsidiary of W.R. Grace and Company and W. R. Grace once had a 50% share of Pan American-Grace Airways through Grace Shipping.


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